SPARKLERS / Identity and culture

Stories to Remember

Kōrero with a loved-one and create a poster about them.
Connections with the NZ Curriculum and Mental Health Education Guide (learn more)

Learning outcomes

Tamariki connect with someone in the whānau and learn more about them.

Tāngia ēnei tohutohu – Print me

Students will need a copy of our Sparklers Stories to Remember

He aha ai? – Why we love it

This activity – from our Whānau resource – can help children connect with a loved one in a new and meaningful way.

Learning new stories about the people we’re closest to can strengthen our relationships, fosters curiosity and can deepen our sense of who we are, and where we’ve come from.


There is no-one in the world who is quite like us – and we each have different strengths we can discover, develop and share. Introduce this activity by revisiting the benefits of taking pride in who we are.

One of the things that makes us unique and one-of-a-kind is our whānau and our relationships with the people we’re closest to.

Explain that for this activity, we’re going to have fun with one way to get to know people better… by asking questions!

Hei mahi - What to do

Hand out our Sparklers Stories to Remember , and say that if possible, you’d like them to have this kōrero with the oldest person in their whānau or someone who is special to you.

They’ll need to ask the person these questions, note their answers, then use them to create a memory poster about the person, on a new sheet of paper.

To do this, they could use photos, words and drawings.

Set a time for tamariki to have their posters completed by (we’d suggest a week) then give them the opportunity to share them with the class, if they'd like!

You may also like to find a spot in your room to put them on display.

What next?

Complete our My pepeha activity or head to Fill My Whare Tapa Whāto really explore whānau relationships and all the other things that contributes to our hauora.

Sparklers at Home

Whānau Poster is a great activity to take home. To help introduce to whānau this simply copy and paste the following 'blurb' into an email or your home-learning programme as an introduction.

In the classroom we've been looking into our the importance of our unique history and whānau. We would really appreciate if you could support your child with a little bit of home learning using the Sparklers at Home activity, Whānau Poster. It consists of interviewing a member of your whānau who can tell some of your family's stories. In this way your child will learn these and then create a piece of artwork to capture this kōrero. It would be great if you could support your child with this - they may want to interview you!

Looking after you

Foster the hauora of your kaiako and team

Learn more