Why do we love Matariki whetū bunting?
Matariki is a cluster of stars and signals te mātahi o te tau (the new year) in line with the maramataka (lunar calendar). To learn more about Matariki (and we recommend you do!), head here.
Matariki whetū bunting is a way to welcome Matariki and te mātahi o te tau (the new year) as a whānau. Making the Matariki whetū (stars) as part of this activity will also reveal seven to nine special whānau adventures to acknowledge each star’s importance, as a whānau, during matariki.
What to do
Print or copy these templates and make your Matariki whetū bunting following the video guide below.
Make time as a whānau over Matatiki to complete each of the Matariki whānau adventures together.