If needed, revisit our Favourite spaces kōrero, to remind tamariki of the connection between your emotions and spaces that make us feel good.
You may also like to work through the discussion from our Sense of the day activity, to help tamariki understand and tune-into their senses.
Then, to plan your wellbeing walkabout:
- kōrero with tamariki about their favourite outside spaces - at school, in their garden or local community
- allow tamariki to make a plan about they will share their favourite or special space and present why it's such a great place to be
- create or print a map of your local community ask tamariki to plot where their favourite outside space is so you can plan your trip around (either virtually or as a community hikoi)
- plan a special day for your wellbeing walkabout or use your map to plot tamariki presentations of their favourite spaces. They might choose to do this through drawing, writing, photographing, a video tour
Regroup and discuss your findings. What were the best features of each other's favourite space? Why was these things great features? Did you feel the similarly to what had been described?